- Title: Piccolo Dragon Ball Z~Re-enter
- Artist: Eluelfu
- Description: The offspring of the original Piccolo Daimoa, Piccolo was Goku's arch-enemy untill the Saiyajin Radditz appeared on the Earth. To overcome Radditz's,he and Goku teamed up. After killing Radditz and Goku, Piccolo took Goku's son Gohan, in order to train him for the arrival of the othere Saiyajin said to arrive in one year.Gohan's innocence change Piccolo from evil to good.His fealings for Gohan lead to sacraficing himself.After Cell came Piccolo re-emerged with Kamisama and became powerful.
- Date: 02/02/2012
- Tags: piccolo dragon ball zreenter
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Comments (7 Comments)
- Eluelfu - 07/18/2013
- XD Thanks!!!
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- kimcheese - 07/18/2013
- This is the best cosplay ever!
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- akitacoquejo - 05/16/2012
- @Paranormal- NEEEEERRRRRDDD!!!!!!!
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- Katrina Higgsbury - 02/27/2012
@Paranormal- Haters be hating. Trollers be trolling. NO 1 UP'S FOR YOU!
XDCRAZY. I'd give you a five out of five stars! If I was still able to vote.(TT~TT) But congratulations! What did you place in? Piccolo is one of my favorite characters out of Dragon Ball Z. - Report As Spam
- Azume-chan - 02/25/2012
- The balls are inert.
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- Dominico Rosse - 02/17/2012
- @Paranormal- You're just pissed that you've never made it in the top 10 in the arena before. Quit whining.
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