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  • Arenas
  • Lalalalalala
  • Title: Lalalalalala
  • Artist: ayalily
  • Description: (CoLoored Over&PSed)

    Everytime I try changing the medium to this stpuid piece it always goes into painting... This is the last time i'm editing the properties. Hopefully it stays in photography.
  • Date: 11/27/2008
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • megahertz butterfly - 07/07/2010
  • I would say that I'm sure the original photo was quite pretty and nicely done, too bad they want to try and pass it off as a painting. I see people do this on DeviantArt a lot, too, so it's nothing new to me.
  • megahertz butterfly - 07/07/2010
  • It's a good edit, but you can see the textures on the lips, around the neck, and in other areas they didn't air brush over. The hair was just air brushed and then smudge tool to hide the painted effect too. Even giving the benefit of the doubt, it's still a stretch because of the hyper realism of the eyes area verses how flat the hair is. They didn't even try to texture it, which just furthers my belief that it's just a paint over and they didn't draw it from a sketch.
  • AirN0va - 01/24/2010
  • Nah, if you look at her hair and lips, you can definitely tell it's painted. Great job by the way.
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