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edit 25 nov 2020:
twitter: jy_den
Discord: Vars#3616

It's been long overdue but I think I'm finally gonna quit Gaia.

If you'd like to get in contact with me, here's everything I can think of that I might still be using in the forseeable future. If something is deactivated/deleted, just try another on the list until you hit something.

Iwaku Roleplay:

bornesfur at gmail
fravbox at gmail
q at khat dot us

Other sites:
Bornes on FurAffinity
Cityfursuits on: Tumblr, Twitter, Youtube, Reddit
SQ at a-m-v.org, youtube
Q on Solia Online
B on Furvilla
fravbox at: toyhou.se, tumblr
CatchTheFrav on PS4

Websites I own that probably have more updated contact info if nothing here works:
fursuitreview.com (I Own this website. I'll see all the emails that go to it. It's not for personal comms but if you can't get in contact with me through other means this is the hail mary)

This was written on 15 August 2016



I have left this account because it has become too hard to use. Because of the brackets in my name, and the similarity of my name to another user's name (Q), many features of Gaia have broken for me.

The technical explanation:
On Gaia's backend, it ignores special symbols in usernames. This means that users "One*Two" and "OneTwo" are considered the same. This is also why users "One Two" and "OneTwo" are considered the same.

Since a user names Q exists, whenever things should be happening to my account, [Q], they will sometimes happen to the Q account instead as the database ignores special characters.

This means that profile comments, gifts, trades, PMs, forum notifications, email notifications, and more, can and do mistakenly get sent to the user named Q.

How did this happen? Well, Back in 2004, the database recognized special characters. Around the time the meebo bar was launched, they changed how the backend functioned, and required new users to have a username with 3 character differences between other names and not have special characters. If anyone has a screenname shared with someone else, with the only difference being a special character or a space, your experience from that update on was broken.

But because this was such a rare issue, it's not on the books to be fixed. Truth be told, this was a development error. I should've never been able to register my name when a user named Q already existed. But I did, and it happened, and unfortunately that's how it goes. It will likely never be fixed and I highly doubt that other Q will ever change his username. I know I won't. I'm keeping this username forever.

The short version:
Anything that could possibly effect my Gaia account, including email alerts, can and does randomly get sent to the other user named Q (without brackets).
This includes gifts, PMs, Gaia notices, etc.

Gaia has revealed they never plan on fixing this and I am too attached to the [Q] screenname to change it. For those reasons, I have instead simply moved accounts.

You can click on the avatar on the right to visit my new account and profile.



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Santo Bane Report | 06/01/2012 8:41 pm
it should be a bar at the bottom of your screen at the left.
Santo Bane Report | 06/01/2012 8:38 pm
Sign into chat, Yes. biggrin
Santo Bane Report | 06/01/2012 8:32 pm
I got it D: But i messaged you back. But i guess you did not get that. ******** weird. But i think that Q pic was provactive. wink
Santo Bane Report | 06/01/2012 8:09 pm
I will harrass you untill we have a conversation.
Santo Bane Report | 06/01/2012 12:12 am
Okay you know what? Shut up. heart I'm going to bed.
Santo Bane Report | 06/01/2012 12:09 am
Okay no one named Q posts in the LD.
Santo Bane Report | 06/01/2012 12:06 am
No one is named Q.
Santo Bane Report | 06/01/2012 12:03 am
Well you never change anything. But don't feel bad lol.
Santo Bane Report | 05/31/2012 11:24 pm
I see you all the time lol.

And it's kay, i always change everything, my sig, my avatar, not much to remember that way.
Santo Bane Report | 05/31/2012 11:20 pm
I look like that when i laugh. The xP face. not the lol face. i think it stands for lol because everytime i see it i start laughing lolololol