Wandering Prompt!
A wandering prompt is something we're doing at Matope to help give players opportunities to get their reqs in for potential Legendary Ascension!
Wandering prompts will be short prompts that players will have to respond to, in character, with one of their kin. Frequently they will involve repeated efforts, rolling dice, and posting
more than once, sometimes even several days in a row, or collaborative efforts. All prompts require at least 500 words in total in order for them to count as legendary requirements; many will have a specific goal that needs to be completed as well. Each prompt will run for approximately two weeks, except in certain special circumstances.
Please be sure to read all information regarding a specific prompt before posting, and if anything is unclear about the rules, please quote either Amorpheous or thyPOPE in
the main Matope thread with your questions.
After you have completed a specific prompt, post in this sticky with the prompt number [WP__], the participating kin's name, and a link to your thread to claim your req.