• "Yore!" I yelled out again, reaching out an arm to grab at the top of a street pole. My grasp caught, and I slowed down rapidly until the strain in my arm told me my weight rested on the pole now. "YORE!"
    The boy didn't answer me; he was either ignoring me (highly likely) or muttering angrily to himself (also highly likely). So I pulled myself up onto the street light and wished silently to the Overhead hadn't given me such a moody partner down here on Earth.
    I watched for a good half hour, just observing people walking through crowded streets. I should've been cold, spite what I was wearing, but hey, I was dead, what did I care? How stereotypical. I would've cared too, if I could feel anything. But no, just a raging stab of annoyance at Yore. If the Overhead found out that he had gone on another one of his temper tantrums and I had let him, I was in for a world of pain.
    The wings on my upper arms rustled restlessly, shifting colors from a yellow leaved tree behind me. It was a beautiful landscape, it really was.
    "Yore, you big dork..." I whimpered, and sighed.
    A snicker from above me caught me off guard; I raised my head and came face to face with Yore.
    I yelled out in momentary fear, falling off the street pole. "Yore!"
    "Yo." He replied, grinning like the little weasel he was. "What's up?"
    "You apparently. Where did you go off top, dork?!" I demanded.
    "To take a little walk, is that such a horrible thing?" Yore blinked, like it wasn't a big deal at all.
    I stuck my tongue out at him, and my wings spread out again to keep up aloft. "Tell me before you go off to start crying again, got it?"
    Yore scowled. "I wasn't crying!"
    "Yeah, yeah. Sure. Sure."
    "I wasn't!"